Military & Conflict

France 24

Ukraine changes tactics to attract new recruits

France 24 ·
France 24
France 24

Ukraine is implementing new strategies to bolster its military forces amidst a significant shortage of manpower, coupled with preexisting weapons shortages. The country has recently adjusted its draft age from 27 to 25 and initiated new mobilization measures to encourage more citizens to voluntarily join its armed forces. The move towards offering more control over service conditions is based on studies suggesting increased willingness to enlist under these terms. Twix, a 22-year-old veteran now training recruits possibly older than him, highlighted the critical issue facing the Ukrainian army is the lack of sufficient personnel. The continuous rotation of the same individuals on the frontline is taking a toll both psychologically and physically on the soldiers. His colleague, Izum, also emphasized the importance of having motivated and fearless recruits aware of the risks involved, including the possibility of injury or death. To improve army enlistment, the defense ministry is shifting towards a system that prioritizes voluntary service over compulsory mobilization, which has been met with resistance. Newly established military job centers across Ukraine offer potential recruits a choice in their role and unit, a stark contrast to the unpredictable nature of compulsory service. With about 20 centers currently operational, these hubs provide a platform for the ministry to communicate available positions directly to interested individuals. A forthcoming mobilization law is set to make avoidance of the draft more difficult, potentially increasing the number of individuals presenting themselves for enlistment. Personal testimonies from citizens like Vadim, who prefers the structured approach to enlistment at these centers over the uncertainty of compulsory service, illustrate the shift in public perception towards military participation. The defense ministry aims to replicate the success of the elite 3rd Assault Brigade's recruiting campaign, which managed to attract a substantial number of voluntary enlistments through effective advertising, enabling the selection of highly fit candidates. This approach signifies a hopeful turn in addressing the personnel shortages by fostering a more engaged and willing pool of recruits.